Chocolate ganache ftw!

Hi there!

My apologies for the late update, I was updating my personal blog over at oceansizedlovee.

So anyway…in my previous post, I told you my friend requested for a birthday cake so I decided to make a chocolate walnut cake with dark chocolate ganache. I’ll show you some steps in pictures[mini tutorial]!

So there you have it!! I had some trouble with the piping though. Definitely need more practicing in that area!! Still fun nonetheless.

As I do not have much experience in decorating cakes, I just did what I could. I did a trial run before the actual so I could be slightly more familiar when it came to the actual day. I think I did a better job at slicing the cake into half, without it crumbling! My heart would crumble if it did !!! I just feel maybe the texture of the cake could be better. thankfully for the ganache, it sort of made the cake taste better. *phew

Anyway, my friend enjoyed his cake so yay to that! On top of that, we all had fun at his birthday party at MacDonalds(yes, we overaged kids celebrated it there) haha.

I will be experimenting a basic choc cake recipe but modifying it, to see the difference in texture. If it’s successful, I will share the recipe over here!! So stay tuned(:

Thanks for your time dear followers!

Love, D