Dreams vs Reality

Hello there!

I know I haven’t been updating this space as much as I would like to.

So it’s assessment week at school. I had my first ever practical assessment yesterday and well, I think I did pretty alright considering that chef had good comments on my 4 different cuts. Hooray. I also had my first written test(included some memorising) and yesss I made it through ever since my relapse. I haven’t gone through any test/exam ever since my discharge. Anyway, I’ve a theory test next Mon. So hope I can pull through that without difficulties, without stressing myself too much.

Yesterday was day 21 of school for me. I learnt that it takes 21 days to create/pick up a habit and yes, it’s very true!

I am more familiar with my surroundings/environment etc. Especially my body clock. I automatically wake up at 6am even on weekends!! Thankfully, I can get back to sleep. By 11pm, my eyes feel heavy and I just want to go to bed. It’s been this routine for almost a month already. I need to stay healthy, keep my immune system strong. Our health is extremely important (must exercise later). Okay, I’ll add some photos to brighten this post!! I will be updating more at my personal blog later so do head over for more details if keen (:

These are just a few pictures over the past month ever since my first day of school. A lot was learnt and interesting! Stuff I didn’t knew and how certain factors affect this, that etc you know what I mean. One minus point, I realised the skin on my fingers are drying quite a bit ): I do apply moisturizer every night!! Hmm. So now I have some skin peeling off my fingers, boohooo. Anyway what’s more important is that no major cuts/burns yet!! And that I’m enjoying myself at school. Never looked forward to school THIS much. another thing I learnt is that BURNING desire that’s needed to survive in this industry.I still have it in me, never want it to die down!! I still have that dream to work towards to (:

Coming soon!!

Hello !

Yup that’s right!! My upcoming post would be a chocolate walnut cake with a delicious oo bittersweet chocolate ganache.

I will be baking for my friend’s birthday this weekend. I must say I’m truly honoured to be baking for such an occasion (his special day), catering for at least 40 people?

I usually bake for my friends and family. So this is probably my first time baking for others. I’m not very good at decorating cakes so I decided to go simple but yet presentable? I did a trial and in my opinion, it tasted good! However, there’s always room for improvement. Well my friend liked it so if the birthday boy is happy with it, I hope his guests will too.

Once I start my pastry and baking course in school (i’m absolutely thrilled btw), I’ll definitely be using whatever new skills/tips to my future baking 😀

In the meantime, I have always been thinking of my future patisserie? What can I bring to the table that will outshine others? Always dreaming, haha. Dreaming…is good once in a while right?

Okay! So dear followers, I hope you look forward to my next update, probably over the weekend, with more pictures! Thanks for your time(:

Love, D